Which way, Rudolf??



Bat: I'm lost! I cannot find the bus stop. I know                Bat: Hi Rudolf. Where is the nearest bus stop?

 a bus service which takes me back home.                        Clone 1: Walk to the junction and turn left.



Bat: Hey!! This isn't right.                                                Bat: Hi Rudolf, can u direct me to the bus stop?

                                                                                      Clone 2: Turn right after u see the stop sign.




Bat: This leads to the carpark!!!!!                                  Bat: Will u tell me the Correct way to the bus stop?

                                                                                     Rudolf (real): There isn't a bus stop around here. 




Rudolf: U must have talked to my clones. Sorry, but we ninjas like to trick and confuse people.

Bat: I never know that u have so many twins and relatives........

