Foul Gas



Woody: Where do u practise your martial arts cousin?       Louis: The place is full of foul gas, can u tolerate?

Louis: In a secret gym built by Henry and Monk                Woody: Sure! Why not??




Henry: Why have u arrived late? We have been waiting for so long

Louis: Sorry, but I have brought my cousin Woody here.

Henry, Monk: Hello Woody!

Woody: Hello!!

Monk: Let's start practising!



Woody: What's that smell?






Woody: Stop!! This is unbearable! Yelch!! I want to vomit!!

Henry: We will stop 5 minutes later.


Finally, the training has ended!!!



Monk: What has happened to your cousin, Louis??

Louis: I know he cannot stand it. I should not have brought him here in the 1st place........

