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Bat is a character who uses bats to trick down his enemy. He has 3 moves.
Advantages Moves can handle mass attack.

You can execute a move while running, just like Davis and Julian

D ^ J can be used to track down enemies. Even thoughthere are a lot of enemies, the bats released by Bat will be greater.

Disadvantages Combos require a lot of MP

A lot of time is taken to end his move, compared to other chars.

How to defeat Bat 1 vs 7 Difficult (Map: Forbidden Tower)

Although Bat has only 3 moves, he can execute a move while running. When the computers are not in your PC screen, use D > A to hit the enemy. The computers tend to stand close to each other, so the chance of getting hit will be higher. When the enemies are running towards a weapon use D > J to hit them. Use D ^ J continously to hit them when you have low HP.

* Those who wish to play 1 vs 7 can play Bat after training with mass attack fighters (Henry, Firen, Freeze and Louis)
