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The official LF2 website The latest LF2 download
http://www.roboticalworld.com Robotical Computer's website My friend's website. It's just like LF Fusion. This site has just been built, so if you wish to give him your support, go and visit his website
http://hk.geocities.com/lf2chi3/index.htm Chi's Chinese website Lots of info and a bit of "rare" combos. Truly a LF Fan.
http://www.lf-jolt.tk zizibaluba's website A good source of website for data changers.
LF2 God LF2 God's Chinese website A very good source of combos. His website is very good for newbies and those who r  Chinese educated.
http://hk.geocities.com/rswcns_novel/ A Chinese website made by 6 users. Many combos and novels. Most LF2 fans will surely enjoy reading their novels.
http://severofqqq.no-ip.com:90/main.htm Marshall's and qqq's website Lots of self-made chars and self-made background downloads. You can only go to their site if qqq switches on his com.
http://gefclanlf2.150m.com GEF Clan site A clan founded by me and firzenneverdies. This is a home ground of GEF where members interact with each other and exchange skills.
www.littlefighteronline.com Official LFO site This is Marti's joint creation. He is making a new online game related to LF2. Hope he can make an English 1 soon.