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Deep is a close combat character. He has 4 special amoves.
Advantages 2 hits instead of 3 hits. So it is easier to make the enemy dance in pain

D > A is quick and it can hit the enemy 3 times. It is also a good move to use when the enemy recovers.

D ^ A is a very strong counter attack move.

Disadvantages Deep is slow when he is running and when he is starting to jump

He does not have any moves for far range.

Not only does he jumps low, the distance he jumped is shorter than other chars, so he can be overtook easily.

How to win Deep 1 vs 7 Difficult (Map: HK Coliseum)

All Deep's 3 flaws can hinder his performance in 1 vs 7, so to counter this, the best map to play is HK Coliseum. Even though the map is small, he can escape much more easier. The way to win is to use >>JA diagonally. Run till a spot where there are no blasts (D > A)coming towards you. Once the enemy stands up, use >>JA at him again and run till a safe spot. Continue doing this until enemy dies.

* Those who wish to play 1 vs 7 should put Deep as the 2nd last priority.
