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+ + + + + + .....

After kicking the enemy 2 times, wait for half a second before launching D > A. Then wait for another half a second before pressing D > A. Continue doing this until enemy dies.

+ + + + + + .....

This move is the same as the 1st move listed above. After 2 kicks, wait for half a second before kicking the enemy 1 time in D > J. Wait for half a second before kicking him 1 more time. Continue kicking until enemy dies.

+ + + + + + .....

This is the combined version of the 2 cheats mentioned above. The details are explained in these 2 cheats. Alternately, u can start with D > J or vice versa.

  X n

Fire chasing blasts to an enemy. This move can torture an enemy to the end. When Dennis has low HP, 100 mp and a beer bottle in hand, he can fire a total of 20 - 25 blasts!!! Each chasing blast is considered a "Force Blocking move", in which u may not be able to block the next blast. Of course nobody can handle so many blasts in 1 go lah!