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Henry is an archer who is good in ranged attack. He has 4 special moves.


You only need to shoot the enemy 1 time to make him dance in pain

He can shoot 3 times while jumping in air.

He is the only Hero that can attack an enemy while jumping backwards ( >> +  < JA).

>>A + >>JA can  hit many people.

Disadvantage Except for >>A and >>JA, he has no close combat.

The way to defeat 7 Random characters (Map: Forbidden Tower)

Henry is the best in Stage Mode, so that makes him good in mass attack. If Louis is not present, you can run away from the enemy and use Critical Shot to chase them away. 

Louis can neutralise your Critical Shot, so you need to run very far from the enemy ( about a PC screen from Louis) before releasing your shot. If there is a heavy object, you can use Dragon Palm and Critical Shot to attack. The damage inflicted on the computer is great.

* Those who wish to fight 1 on 7 can try playing Henry 1 on 7 as a starter,

The way to defeat 7 Crazy! Firzen (Map: Forbidden Tower)

At the start of the game, run to the corners of Forbidden Tower and allow yourself to be hit by 1/2 Firzen Cannon(s). Then as you wake up, release critical shot immediately. But you must be careful of the Firzen Cannon that are in the same position as you. Firzen will try to hold your critical shot. Then wait till 80 MP before releasing another 1. After Firzen has used up his MP, he/they will all be shot. Try not to get hit by Overwhelming Disaster.

The way to defeat 7 Crazy! LouisEX (Map: Forbidden Tower)

This is harder than playing with 7 Crazy! Firzen. LouisEX can run very quickly and he will use JA or >>JA to bring you down. You can lose to 50 HP and press Run + JA to substitute your running. It's the best if all the LouisEX are running towards a weapon. This is the best opportunity to use Sonata to torture them. If you have low HP, you can shift to a new location (up/down the screen) and torture them again. Here's a diagram for you to see.




key: x - The place where the weapon is laid          

U - The place where you use Sonata ( D ^ J)