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LouisEX is a stronger version of Louis. You can get him by transforming. He has 5 moves.

Advantages He is the fastest runner of the game. 

When he runs, he will point his trident towards the enemy. This acts as a shield against energy blasts (D > A) and >>JA

JA, >>JA and D > A can hit a number of enemies, which can be helpful in mass attacks.

D v A can be caused heavy damage to a computer.

Disadvantages Eevn though D v A can be a powerful attack, but when the enemy recovers after being hit in the air, you are totally defenseless against the enemy. So this move can create trouble for yourself too.

The way to defeat 7 Crazy! Julian (Map: Forbidden Tower)

If the Julians are together right at the start of the game, jump towards them. Remain a distance of 2/3 cm from them. When they start to use D > A or D > J, use Phoenix Palm to hit them. Then run away from them. Run until u have 100mp, then u can counter them. As the Julians will sure use D > J as a far range attack, avoid all those bombs and move cautiously, until when u see a Julian in ur computer screen, then u press D > A until u have no mp left. Continue doing this until enemy dies.

The tip to avoid the skulls is to run/jump away from them, but when do u do it?

Of course u need to run away from the skulls, but at some time the skulls will outrun u. This is the point where u jump away from the skulls.

When ur running at the top/bottom of the map, the skulls move in a direction which u r about to head. If that's the case, stop and jump downwards/upwards to avoid all the skulls. This way u will be able to escape all the skulls.

I don't recommend dashing towards the skulls because u may never know when a Soul Bomb will be heading towards u. Until u see the bomb(s), then it will be impossible to avoid the bombs. Even if u stop, u will be hit by the skulls and bombs. That sure damages a lot!

* Even though the tips provided are pretty useful, there is no guarantee that u will win trying this method, because there are many changes in the process of the game, like u cannot guarantee where the Julian r standing. So this only provides the best solution to counter all of them. 
