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LouisEX is a stronger version of Louis. You can get him by transforming. He has 5 moves. |
Advantages | He is the fastest runner
of the game.
When he runs, he will point his trident towards the enemy. This acts as a shield against energy blasts (D > A) and >>JA JA, >>JA and D > A can hit a number of enemies, which can be helpful in mass attacks. D v A can be caused heavy damage to a computer. |
Disadvantages | Eevn though D v A can be a powerful attack, but when the enemy recovers after being hit in the air, you are totally defenseless against the enemy. So this move can create trouble for yourself too. |
The way to defeat 7 Crazy! Julian (Map: Forbidden Tower) |
If the Julians are together right at
the start of the game, jump towards them. Remain a distance of 2/3 cm from
them. When they start to use D > A or D > J, use Phoenix Palm to hit
them. Then run away from them. Run until u have 100mp, then u can counter
them. As the Julians will sure use D > J as a far range attack, avoid
all those bombs and move cautiously, until when u see a Julian in ur
computer screen, then u press D > A until u have no mp left. Continue
doing this until enemy dies.
The tip to avoid the skulls is to run/jump away from them, but when do u do it? Of course u need to run away from the skulls, but at some time the skulls will outrun u. This is the point where u jump away from the skulls. When ur running at the top/bottom of the map, the skulls move in a direction which u r about to head. If that's the case, stop and jump downwards/upwards to avoid all the skulls. This way u will be able to escape all the skulls. I don't recommend dashing towards the skulls because u may never know when a Soul Bomb will be heading towards u. Until u see the bomb(s), then it will be impossible to avoid the bombs. Even if u stop, u will be hit by the skulls and bombs. That sure damages a lot! * Even though the tips provided are pretty useful, there is no guarantee that u will win trying this method, because there are many changes in the process of the game, like u cannot guarantee where the Julian r standing. So this only provides the best solution to counter all of them. |