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Louis is a guy who wears a shiny armour. His moves are good in mass attack. He has 6 special moves.
Advantages Louis has an armour which is effective in blocking mass attack, unlike other chars who will be hit after blocking >>JA. He is better in defence. You need to hit him 1 more time.

>>A and >>JA can have 2 hits.

He can jump high and far, a good way of escaping from the enemy.

Disadvantages Ever since armour is introduced to Louis,

his close combat is weakened.

he is weak in reflecting energy blasts/fireball/iceball (D > A) [ you need to press A earlier to effectively reflect blasts]

>>JA is slow, consumes mp and has a low probability of hitting people.

The way to win Louis 1 on 7 Random without transforming ( Map: Forbidden tower)

Since Louis is good in mass attack, u can use Whirlwind Throw ( D ^ J) as a start to chase way the enemy. Then you run away from them. If the enemy is holding a heavy weapon and the others are firing blasts at you, avoid all of them. Move to 1 place and do D > A to bring down the heavy object. If the enemies are running towards a heavy object, you can use >>JA diagonally to hit all of them or use D ^ J. But be careful. You can only use D ^ J if the enemy is walking upwards/downwards to u. Also be careful of Firen, Freeze and Henry. Their D ^ J can counter your D ^ J.

* For those who wish to play 1 on 7, you can try playing with Louis as your 2nd choice.