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Rudolf is a ninja that has moves to trick people and can move exceptionally fast. He has 5 special moves.
Advantages JA and D > J can make the enemy dance in pain

>>A and >>JA is good in mass attack

D > A are good for combos.

D ^ J and D v J can be sued as a form of distraction so that you can run away from the enemy if you have low HP. (A form of cheating) 

Disadvantages Combos do not take much HP in the middle of the arena.

As Rudolf runs too fast, the angle of >>JA is generally wider, which makes him hard to attack an enemy diagonally.

The Way to win Rudolf 1 vs 7 (Map: Forbidden Tower)

Use >>JA diagonally to hit the enemy continuously. You can also use D > A occasionally to stop the enemy from getting near you. The hardest part is that you will have to use >>JA while hiding if you have low HP. I suggest that when you are trying to hide, find a hand-held weapon (not a baseball, knife or heavy object) and snipe the enemy while hiding. But be careful, because Deep, Woody and Davis will counter you.